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The country of Nepal

Nepal is a country located in South Asia, landlocked between China and India (El-Saharty, Ohno, Sarker, & Secci, 2014). This country is home to approximately 28 million people and the majority of the economy is agriculture (El-Saharty, Ohno, Sarker, & Secci, 2014). Even though Nepal is stuck between two larger countries, they still do a great amount of trading with countries such as India and the United States (OEC, n.d). The relationship between Canada and Nepal has been very strong and it is ideal that Canada continues to maintain this status (Government of Canada, 2016). The main objective of this project was to provide an idea for an object that could potentially be exported to Nepal to help the population. This product could be beneficial to either Nepalese farmers or consumers but it was not intended to be a form of competition against the produce already being grown there.

A substantial amount of the project evolved around agriculture in Nepal and how to improve the methods being used currently. Approximately one third of GDP in Nepal is due to agriculture and out of the 28 million people living there, as many as 70% are employed in agriculture (Devkota, 2013). There has been a substantial decrease in agriculture because of the lack of productivity, and irrigating the land all year is only possible for a third of suitable crop land (Devkota, 2013). However, productivity and irrigation are not the only factors that have an impact on Nepal’s farming; arsenic is a continuous problem. Farmers in Nepal have dealt with arsenic for many years and unfortunately this naturally occurring element has an effect on both crops and the people (Devkota, 2013).

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